
Many passions, professionalism

Gelarte Company since 1988 is at the side of ice cream makers and confectioners. From the beginning the company is on the market with very specific ideas, selecting and proposing the best semi-finished companies and providing its customers with a continuous technical and professional updating courses of Ice cream and Pastry with the best teachers of the sector.The Mission of Gelarte outset is to provide quality products and professional support to its customers. The company begins to deal with equipment and furnishings for bars, ice cream shops, pizzerias and confectionery, becoming a reference point for the entire Italy. From 2003 Gelarte realizes business premises in several European and non-European countries, begining to open up to the foreign market. In 2007 comes G Arredi SRL- Arredi&Contract, which aims to specialist furniture market with its own secure identity and its own brand. The services that Gelarte offers to its customers are: a point of sale analysis;a business plan;a plan of organization and development; a technical assistance and coaching of the goodwill of the point of sale with technical specialists in production of ice cream; a staff training; and a timely and weekly delivery service in the regions of Marche and Abruzzo.

Contacts Gelarte

Via XXIV Maggio, 50 Centobuchi di Monteprandone(AP),63076 - Italy

+39 0735.714016

+39 0735.705444 

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Registered Company

T.C.M.Spinelli s.r.l.